Edmonton, AB – Earlier this week, the National Police Federation submitted its pre-Budget asks for 2023-2024 to the Government of Alberta, calling for strategic investments into policing to support Alberta’s most impacted citizens and communities following a number of years of underfunding.
For too long, our Members have been called on to fill gaps left by diminishing social services. RCMP detachments have remained underfunded across the province, and our Members are consistently told to do more with less when they are already overworked, stressed, and not fully resourced.
“Modern policing requires pragmatic approaches to supporting and delivering effective public safety for communities and their residents – in particular, rural and remote areas that are served by the RCMP,” said Brian Sauvé, President of the National Police Federation. “Against the backdrop of a growing population and evolving criminal environment, we believe it’s time to invest in both policing and public safety for the benefit of our communities and all its residents.”
Instead of redirecting taxes to an unpopular and costly proposed provincial police transition, the NPF recommends investing $371 million over three years – money that the Government of Alberta indicated would need to be spent on one-time transition costs – as follows:
“It’s no secret that affordability and prudency are top-of-mind for all Albertans and their families, and our cost-saving recommendations are respectful of that reality,” said Kevin Halwa, Director, Prairie Region. “Policing is also no stranger to financial pressures, especially as communities’ needs continue to evolve, and we believe these necessary investments will go farther to address immediate public safety concerns in our province than an unnecessary police transition would,” he added.